Personalised Plates
There are two kinds of people out on the roads. Some of them want to drive in the spotlight and the others would rather stick to the side streets. You can spot spotlight’ers a kilometre away (if you have really good eyesight) from their lekker personalised plates that can make a rad or ridiculous addition to your drive.
Sometimes friendliness is only a lane away. It’s kinda nice to know you’re driving along next to “JIMMY – WP” or “BEXY X – ZN”, so give ‘em a wave and a hello! I mean, you basically know them now. Then there’s Mrs “YUMMY MOM – CA” and “MR BIG – FS.” You can almost imagine what their lives are like, just from a simple personalised plate.
A balding middle-aged man pulls up next to you in a charming old Nissan bakkie. Taylor Swift is blasting from the windows and he’s singing along to his heart’s content. As he pulls away, you see his number plate – “SO WAT – FS”
My favourite had to be the little bit of attitude with a South African spin to it that really made me giggle and will give everyone out on the roads a cheeky smile, with a local-is-lekker – “OO EH EH – WP”.
Last, but not least, you’ve got the point-making-plates. A pretty sweet white convertible BMW pulls up behind you at the robots. The blonde lady driving it, sunglasses on, wind whipping through her hair, her number plate sporting a cheeky and proud “WAS HIS – GP”. And the poor young guy on a shiny new scooter with a kinda I-feel-you-bro sort of a plate… “R0 LEFT – GP”
Personally, I think if I were going to get a personalised plate, it would have to be “BE RAD”. Because I totally am and because it’s generally good life advice. You know what else is rad and good life advice? Checking out the services in my Beame Protect portfolio – there’s something to help you out with fines, accidents, licence renewals and more. Visit me at to find out how to sign up.
– B